Symposium “fit and smart – children move their future”-

The annual conference “fit und pfiffig – kinder bewegen ihre zukunft” (fit and smart – children move their future) in Hamburg is a training highlight for children’s gymnastics. In the 16th edition on 11.02.2023 the federation for gymnastics and spare time sets as an organizer the thematic emphasis on the “.experience world nature”.

The focus topic offers an exciting range of activities. There are ideas, games, and structures on the topic of nature and sustainability that challenge the children in new ways or are based on tried-and-tested ideas in a new form. For example, there will be a “creative movement safari”, “nature with all senses” or “play explorers through the city”. fit und pfiffig is an idea exchange and at the same time a platform to learn about the latest findings and studies. The conference is aimed at exercise instructors in children’s gymnastics and pedagogical staff who want to bring the topic of nature into the club or into the daycare or elementary school with movement and experience games.



Prof. Dr. Ulrich Gebhard will give an opening lecture entitled “On the importance of experiencing nature for mental development, well-being and health”. Many other experts will shed further light on the topic and provide helpful tips for pedagogical work within the framework of 36 offers with numerous practical suggestions.

One must not be missing: Reinhard Horn, one of the most sought-after speakers in Germany and beyond, will provide musical accompaniment to the opening event, and his two workshops in Hamburg are among the most booked every year.

The event will be accompanied by a market of opportunities with information stands and specialist literature, as well as games and sports equipment.

Date: February 11, 2023, 09:00-17:00, ETV-Sportzentrum // Bundesstraße 96 // Hamburg Eimsbüttel


Author: VTF Hamburg