Children are naturally curious, energetic and full of the joy of discovery. Their joy of movement and their urge to explore the world around them are an important part of their child development. Children’s gymnastics plays a crucial role in this.

Not only does it provide a fun and active form of exercise, but it also contributes significantly to children’s physical, social and cognitive development. In this blog article, we will give you valuable tips and ideas on how to teach your children about exercise through play.

Why is children’s gymnastics important?

Children’s gymnastics is important for children’s development and well-being for several reasons:

  • Motor skills: Through children’s gymnastics, children can improve their motor skills. They learn to control their bodies, perform movements, and strengthen their muscles and joints. This is essential for developing basic skills such as running, jumping, throwing and catching.
  • Coordination and balance: children’s gymnastics involves exercises that train their coordination and balance. This helps them better coordinate their posture and movements and improve their balance. As a result, they can move more safely and skillfully in everyday life.
  • Muscle building and bone strengthening: children’s gymnastics helps to strengthen children’s muscles and promote their bone development. Climbing, swinging, bouncing and other activities work different muscle groups. This not only supports overall fitness, but can also help prevent postural problems.
  • Social and cognitive skills: Children’s gymnastics provides opportunities for children to interact and develop social skills in a group setting. They learn to play with other children, share, take turns, and follow rules. In addition, their cognitive skills are enhanced as they are required to complete various movements and tasks.
  • Health awareness and fun with movement: Children’s gymnastics teaches children early awareness of the importance of fitness and physical activity. Through positive experiences and the fun of movement, they are motivated to exercise regularly and maintain healthy habits later in life.

Children’s gymnastics thus offers the opportunity to be playful and active while children develop important skills and habits for a healthy and active life.

Ideas for children’s gymnastics

There are many creative and fun ideas for children’s gymnastics that can help develop children’s motor skills and get them excited about exercise. Here are some ideas suitable for different age groups:

For children ages 1-3, the following activities can make children’s gymnastics interesting:

  1. Movement songs and games: Sing fun movement songs with the children, such as “Himpelchen und Pimpelchen,” and encourage them to move along with them. Games such as “Cuckoo, where are you?” or “I see something you don’t see” can also promote motor skills and coordination.
  2. Movement landscape with different stations: Set up a movement landscape that offers different activities and challenges. These might include crawling through tunnels, balancing on beams or mats, hopping over obstacles, or running through an obstacle course. This develops children’s coordination, balance, and body control.
  3. Play games with balls and balloons: games such as ball rolling, ball tossing, or balloon catching can improve children’s hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Use colorful balls and balloons to grab children’s attention and increase the fun factor.

It is important that activities are age-appropriate and take into account children’s individual developmental stage. Provide a safe environment, provide soft surfaces, and always supervise children during children’s gymnastics.

For older children, add more ideas such as relay games, jumping rope, dance routines, or creating movement choreography. Remember, the focus is on motivating children to move, have fun, and develop their skills.

What should be considered when setting up the movement landscape in children’s gymnastics?

When setting up a movement landscape in children’s gymnastics, there are some important aspects to consider in order to create a safe and motivating environment for the children. Here are some points that should be considered:

  • Safety: the safety of the children is a top priority. Make sure the space where the movement landscape is set up is free of obstacles and has enough space for the children to move around safely. Avoid sharp edges or pointed objects and make sure the floor is slip-resistant. Use soft surfaces such as gymnastic mats or fall protection mats to cushion potential falls.
  • Age-appropriate design: consider the age and motor skills of the children when designing the activity area. Younger children need lower elements and easier tasks, while older children can handle higher challenges. Make sure the movement landscape appropriately addresses children’s developmental level and encourages them to expand their skills.
  • Variety of elements: Incorporate a variety of elements and activities into the movement landscape to provide children with variety and different movement experiences. For example, include climbing frames, balance beams, slides, swings, tunnels, tires, mats and bouncy balls. The variety of elements stimulates children’s creativity and develops various motor skills.
  • Imagination and fun: create an environment that stimulates children’s imagination and invites them to play and explore. Use bright colors, fun shapes and themes to create a positive and motivating atmosphere. For example, add elements that represent a fantasy world such as a jungle, an underwater area, or an adventure playground.
  • Supervision and guidance: make sure the movement landscape is supervised by qualified staff who can guide and support the children. Supervisors should monitor safety, assist children as needed, and help them overcome challenges.

By considering these aspects when building the movement landscape, children can enjoy a safe and motivating environment to play, move, and explore. It is important that the movement landscape is regularly inspected and maintained to ensure that it meets current safety standards.

Our TOGU experts advise:

Stay positive and encouraging!

When bringing your child to children’s gymnastics or doing movement activities at home, it is important to create a positive and encouraging atmosphere. Praise your child for his efforts and progress, no matter how small. Encourage him or her to take on new challenges and try things out without worrying about mistakes or perfection.

By adopting a supportive and motivating attitude, you will help your child build self-confidence and enjoy movement. Children’s gymnastics should be a positive experience where your child enjoys physical activity and exploring his or her abilities. Your positive attitude will encourage your child to actively participate and develop their motor skills.


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