BeBo® Health Training – Impulses for the pelvic floor

Relax the pelvic floor with the TOGU Anti-Stress Ball and the Faszio® Ball

A pelvic floor weakness with the symptoms of urinary incontinence and / or subsidence problem is known to many women. An equally big problem is the strained pelvic floor muscles. The consequences of a “hypertonic pelvic floor” are at least as unpleasant for women as a pelvic floor weakness.

The causes of a tense pelvic floor can be:

  • high state of tension in fascial structures connected to the pelvic floor
  • Stress, unprocessed feelings and traumatic experiences

Tension in the pelvic floor muscles can affect the function of the organs in the pelvis. These tensions can be transmitted and can be the cause of dysfunction and pain in the pelvis, hips and back and abdominal muscles.

Roll away tensions
By rolling, potential stress centers in structures associated with the pelvic floor can be sensed. Gentle pressures and rolling massages have a relaxing effect.
This also applies to the direct processing of the pelvic floor, in particular for work on the dam, the Centrum tendineum.
The ball massage helps the muscles to better absorb the body, improves tissue care and helps to relax the surrounding tissue and the fascial structures.

Phase 1 – Preparation exercises

Lie on supine, put on legs and place Anti-Stress-Ball or Faszio® ball under the pelvis on the left and right

  • inhale, open your legs and exhale, close your legs again
  • Roll up the pelvis while exhaling and roll it out when inhaling

Seat on the mat, supported backwards

  • Place the ball next to the right ischial tuberosity and circle it, massaging the soft tissue around the ischial tuberosity

  • Place the Anti-Stress Ball between the coccyx and right ischial tuberosity
    – slowly put the weight on the ball
    – Weigh the pelvis to the right and left
    – roll in and out the pelvis
  • repeat the exercises on the left side

After the exercises you have to look into. For this get upright

  • feel significant heat in the pelvis, especially in the sacral region
  • alternately lift your knees and feel the ease of movement

Phase 2 – self-massage of the pelvic floor

It is important to work with a customized pressure. You can control this with de Anti-Stress-Ball.
Gentle pressures, gentle movement in the grain and across the grain have a relaxing and relaxing effect. Even and conscious abdominal breathing is a must.

Massage “dam”

  • Sit on a sturdy chair or stool
  • Place AntiStress-Ball under the dam
  • Then work in the following order:
    Pos. 1: slowly put the weight on the ball
    Pos. 2: Move the pelvis right and left to the ischial tuberosities
    Pos. 3: Roll in and out the basin
    Pos. 4: sit on the ball and activate the BB and release slowly

The structures of the pelvic floor are sensitive, therefore

  • always be careful and work with care
  • Start with position 1
  • Then move over the ball first and then additionally work with the activation of the pelvic floor
  • start with a short stay, increase slowly (3 – 10 minutes, 2 times a week)
  • Do not place the ball directly under the coccyx, testes or external anal or bladder sphincter or vaginal opening
  • In case of uncertainty in the placement of the balls ask a professional for help

Maria Müller
BeBo Team Deutschland

Maria Müller