The topic of the back and its health are the focus of Back Health Day, which is held annually on March 15. This day reminds us of the importance of a stable body center and provides an opportunity to prevent back problems.

The importance of a stable body center

As a mother of two young children, a trainer and family support person with the Society for Childbirth Preparation, I am well aware of the importance of a stable mid-back. In this article, we will take a closer look at the connection between the core of the body and mid-back pain. Often, everyday stress, lack of time and excessive sitting are the main causes of back pain.

Relationships between the pelvic floor, abdominal and back muscles

The pelvic floor muscles, the abdominal muscles and the back muscles are closely connected and form the basis for a healthy back. None can function well without the others. The abdomen is enclosed like a house by various muscles: The diaphragm makes up the roof, the sides and front wall are the abdominal muscles, the back wall is the lumbar-intestinal muscles, and the bottom wall is the pelvic floor muscles. The cooperation of these muscles is crucial for pelvic floor strength and for the well-being of our backs.

The abdominal and back muscles are opposites in most trunk movements. They work together in close interaction. The posture of the trunk is a state of equilibrium of gravity, abdominal muscles and back extensors. If the abdominal muscles are in good tension and flexible, they support exhalation and influence spinal position and thus posture.

The importance of movement and activity

Our current lifestyle often lacks sufficient movement and activity: we lie on the sofa. We sit slouched at our desks for too long. We stand too much.

This causes the straight abdominal muscles to shorten. This in turn can lead to poor posture and decreasing strength. It’s a vicious cycle!

In addition, we need a strong pelvic floor to stretch the back muscles. If this happens too infrequently, the lower back tenses and lacks circulation.

So does the rest of the back and the back extensor muscles, which can ultimately lead to mid-back pain. We need to change our habits and incorporate more movement and exercise into our daily lives. Every activity counts!

Exercises for back pain: strong middle and healthy back

Here are some simple exercises and activities that can help you relieve and prevent acute mid-back pain:

Walks and climbing stairs

Get out of the car more often and walk. Take the opportunity to take a long walk in the forest or climb stairs instead of using the elevator.

Small breaks at the workplace

Interrupt sedentary activities regularly with small wellness sessions such as shoulder circles or use the Dynair Ball Cushion to take short breaks. Follow these instructions for a simple back relief exercise: Place the Dynair Ball Cushion in front of you on the floor and step onto it barefoot. Keep your balance and now close your eyes, keep breathing calmly. Repeat this exercise four times in between.


With my training concept MAMAMFREUDE FITNESS and the offer in my midwife practice MAMAFREUDE it is especially important to me to show more joy in movement again. No rigid and boring exercises.

Sport should be fun! In my new book “MAMA FITNESS – Freude an Bewegung für dich und dein Kind” (MAMA FITNESS – the joy of movement for you and your child), I present simple exercises from my training concept that are suitable for everyday use. My book is completely tailored to the needs of women after childbirth and regression.

Effective exercise with the Redondo Ball

For my exercises with equipment, I use only TOGU products out of conviction. Especially the Redondo® Ball is perfect for an active everyday life and lifestyle.

The Jacaranda® Ball and the Brasil® additionally strengthen the deep muscles and are optimal for those who value an intensive workout. An effective exercise for a stable center with the Redondo Ball is the “Buddha Press”. This is performed as follows:

Stand more than hip-width apart. Your toes are facing outward, your knees are slightly bent. Gently tilt your pelvis forward for stability. Your back is straight, shoulders are relaxed.

Hold the Redondo ball between your palms and bend your arms. Position your arms at chest level. Exhale through your mouth, squeezing the Redondo Ball firmly. Activate your pelvic floor and hold the position.

Inhale through your nose, release the pressure from the Redondo Ball and relax your pelvic floor. Exhale and squeeze the Redondo Ball tightly. Inhale and release the tension. Repeat the exercise eight times and then relax.

This exercise is an example of how I want to show in my book “MAMA-FITNESS” with little effort, we can train strength, endurance, coordination, body awareness and balance in everyday life. These elements are important for a good body feeling and especially for a healthy back.

An active lifestyle for a healthy back

Mid-back pain is often due to our modern lifestyle. To alleviate and prevent these complaints, it is crucial to integrate more movement and activity into everyday life.

Through targeted exercises and conscious body awareness, we can strengthen our midsection and maintain a healthy back. The topic of back health should not only be present on March 15, Back Health Day, but should become a permanent part of our lifestyle.

Have fun with your training